Schwarz’s costume gives her gear that is more suited to tactical operations than the swimwear she usually dons. Liskarm’s outfit changes her equipment to more closely resemble Rainbow Operator Blitz’s. Ash’s outfit gives her a helmet with cat ears, to help her blend in with the native population of Terra. Tachanka’s outfit is called “Lord,” referencing his popularity among Rainbow Six Siege players. The trailer also previewed optional cosmetic costumes for Operators Tachanka, Ash, Liskarm, and Schwarz. Enemies will stream in from the top to the bottom, and players must work together to ensure none get past their combined defenses. The mode takes place on a two-floor map, with each player managing one floor. Arriving with Operation Originium Dust is “Multivariate Cooperation,” a simultaneous Arknights cooperative mode for two players.